Save Our Souls Foundation Be a Donor, Save a Life! We provide financial support to Canadian families with children in need of organ transplants and educate on organ donation. Fri, 08 Mar 2024 20:24:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Whatever We Imagine Fri, 08 Mar 2024 20:24:03 +0000  “Whatever We Imagine” A song written and produced by David Foster, recorded by James Ingrim – 1983 It was Mr. Good’s Grade 6 classroom, with desks carefully and precisely situated in a U-shape so students could face each other rather than our backs, where my friend Robert sat directly on my left – the 10
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 “Whatever We Imagine”
A song written and produced by David Foster, recorded by James Ingrim – 1983

It was Mr. Good’s Grade 6 classroom, with desks carefully and precisely situated in a U-shape so students could face each other rather than our backs, where my friend Robert sat directly on my left – the 10 o’clock position. Robert was a hard worker. All assignments were handed in on time. Books were carefully placed on his desk so he could, on a fleeting thought’s notice, fetch the required book, and then navigate to the page where Robert could, as only he could do, discern information – and carefully applied it to the equation, or formula, or whatever he needed. And: table hockey. Robert loved to play, and, of course, win at table hockey.

When I joined the Save Our Souls Foundation in an attempt to tell tales and rattle the drum when needed, I knew I would write about Robert. I just didn’t know when. Now is the time. Because the one thing I will always remember was the color of his skin – something which, certainly, didn’t define him; yet, a characteristic – a trait, if you will – of what made Robert the young man that he was. A dark yellow, almost brown, skin draped over his slender – almost skeleton-like – body.

Robert had kidney disease.

As the days creep longer, and the weather, despite climate change surprises, becomes warmer in this, the year’s third month – a year and a half into my DFF tenure – it’s time to remember and celebrate Robert as March is Kidney Health Month.

Moreover, World Kidney Day, 24 hours earmarked as a global campaign with a mission of paramount importance: raising awareness of the importance of our kidneys. Those community champions for the Kidney Foundation, otherwise known as volunteers, along with the Foundation’s staff, will role output public awareness initiatives on preventative behaviors, and risk factors and share the foundation’s programs and services.

If you scroll through the DFF website – and please do – you will see that many young kids, much younger than my friend Robert, have been helped with non-medical expenses. And, it’s highly obvious kidney transplants for children are a common occurrence in Canada. Case in point: three years ago, this month, SickKids in Toronto issued a press release celebrating 1,000 transplants. Just think – one thousand kids were given the precious gift of drawing blueprints to pursue whatever dream they wanted to follow.

Now, back to Robert. He enlisted the support of all of us in Mr. Good’s class for his life-changing event: a kidney transplant. We talked about it. Often. We prayed about it. We encouraged him. Every day. When Robert went into the hospital Mr. Good had all of us make a get well-card for Robert. And then that magic day came when Robert, with his father at his side booming with pride, walked back into the classroom after his transplant. We were excited for Robert, but also felt a sense of nervousness that the transplant would, in fact, continue throughout his life. I vividly remember Robert crying for most of the day. He told us he was scared, but also, overjoyed. It was something I’ll never forget seeing how an organ transplant changed the life of a young man… a subject that wasn’t on the school curriculum.

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The Year of The Ask Sat, 20 Jan 2024 00:18:30 +0000 January always graces us with the opportunity to look at the things we’ve been doing over and over – and, ask ourselves if we can do these things differently. Perspective, right? It’s a good idea to step back — or if your disposable income allows you such a luxurious vantage point say in a helicopter
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January always graces us with the opportunity to look at the things we’ve been doing over and over – and, ask ourselves if we can do these things differently. Perspective, right? It’s a good idea to step back — or if your disposable income allows you such a luxurious vantage point say in a helicopter for, almost — but not quite – a view from 40,000 feet. Such observations are grounded – even for our helicopter friends — by one fundamental.

To make a positive difference.

When I joined the Save Our Souls Foundation in the fall of 2022 as their feature writer, I wanted to write about the folks who help keep the Foundation active: families, donors, medical staff, volunteers, and anyone else involved. I am struck by the one thing that is central to the foundation’s mandate … the one thing the Foundation needs so every family who has a young child in need of an organ transplant so they can live. We’re lucky. The Foundation will take care of the non-medical expenses families have during such a trying time.

One of the challenges I’ve always accepted and embraced is finding new angles and ideas to accurately highlight the importance of a subject. I’ve found creativity and an annual subscription to thinking out of the box have been effective. Perhaps then, the Tait Task is to gently show the benefits of signing a donor card: how it, very unselfish, can be a love legacy for future generations. If you don’t ask, one razor-sarp editor once told me early on in my journalistic journey, then there would never be an opportunity for a story to share the issue — nor awareness, which opens the door for change.

Now: the easy way to ask friends to sign organ donor cards would be to fire up all my social media channels, easily engage the ‘cut and paste’ operation and my ask would be sent to all my friends.

Easy, perhaps? Effective? Negative.

Even the internet agrees with my thesis. A website says a face-to-face interaction is so much better because there are just so many distractions. I could provide you with the link to where I saw the information. But because there’s so much really, really good information on the site, it’s easy for you to get distracted and – here’s the key to my point – forget about the original request.

Face-to-face: that’s where it’s at.

So let’s try this.

Ask one person a day for a month if they would consider signing a donor card.

Ask them to ask someone else.

Plan your ask: maybe it’s at the start of the conversation, in the middle, or at the end. Find a comfort level if you do that.You can easily make it part of your day and then it will become a habit.

Of course, your friends will ask why this is important.

You can tell them the facts and not tug at heartstrings: an average of over 4,000 Canadians a year are waiting for an organ transplant and 250 people pass away waiting. You can also let them know that one donor can save up to 8 lives and improve the quality of life for up to 75 people.

And, unlike a newspaper story we saved the most important piece of information until the last. When making your ask, make sure the person you ask informs their family members they are signing a donation card. Keeping everyone informed is important – and one never

knows where another donor may come from.

Enough said.

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Heart Month 2024 Wed, 14 Feb 2024 21:36:52 +0000 In The Media Al Ferraby CFAX 1070 radio interview on February 16, 2024.  CBC Vancouver interview with Simon Keith  on February 7, 2024. The Save Our Souls Foundation and two-time heart transplant recipient Simon Keith C.M. want you to ‘Keep The Beat’ this February for Heart Month as the need for registered organ donors continues FebruaryRead more

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The Save Our Souls Foundation and two-time heart transplant recipient Simon Keith C.M. want you to ‘Keep The Beat’ this February for Heart Month as the need for registered organ donors continues

February 6, 2024 (Toronto, ON) – Did you know that roughly every 40 seconds someone will have a heart attack? This is one of the alarming statistics that highlights the importance of cardiovascular health and the reason The Save Our Souls Foundation is partnering with famed Canadian, former professional soccer player and two-time heart transplant recipient Simon Keith C.M. of The Simon Keith Foundation to ‘Keep the Beat’ for February’s Heart Month.

As of the end of 2023, there are over 4,400 Canadians awaiting a life-saving organ transplant. This need is underscored by the fact that 90% of Canadians say they support organ donation, but only 32% have actually registered their decision. What is more surprising is that this donor rate continues to be one of the lowest for a developed and progressive country.

Partnering again with Simon Keith was important as he is the perfect spokesperson to help promote both Heart Month and the need for more registered organ donors given his personal struggles and achievements. Simon is the first athlete in the world to play a professional sport after receiving a heart transplant. Due to an illness and the need for a second heart transplant, Simon was inspired to share his humanitarian efforts globally and founded The Simon Keith Foundation ( in 2012, with the goal of providing financial support to youths who have undergone a life-saving organ transplant who desire a return to an active and healthy lifestyle.

Simon has become a well-known leader on the topics of organ donation, transplantation and patient advocacy, and was awarded the Order of Canada in 2022, recognized as one of Canada’s highest honors for individuals who shape Canadian society, ignite imaginations and unite communities.

“Keep The Beat is the perfect theme and slogan to help not only draw awareness to the fact that cardiovascular heart disease is one of the leading causes of death but also the continuing need for heart and organ transplants,” says HCol Michael Ravenhill, Chief Executive Officer at The Save Our Souls Foundation. “Throughout the month, we will be sharing across billboards, our social channels and across our digital outreach to help inform, educate, and create a better awareness about the importance of becoming an organ donor this month.”

“As a two-time heart transplant recipient, it is important for everyone to do their part in helping raise awareness of the importance of getting checked out and reduce any stigmas or concerns around organ donation,” added Simon Keith C.M.

Founded by famed Canadian David Foster, The Save Our Souls Foundation is a national non-profit Canadian charitable organization dedicated to providing financial support for non-medical expenses to Canadian families with children in need of pediatric organ transplants. Over the past 38 years, the Foundation has assisted over 1,450 families with children in need of life-saving organ transplants.

There are multiple ways for people to support the Save Our Souls Foundation:

1) Visiting us at to see the options available to help us;

2) Registering to become an organ donor – it takes only two minutes to register – and making sure to share your wishes with your family;

3) Follow @DavidFosterFoundation on Instagram and search for us on Facebook for the latest updates.

About The Simon Keith Foundation 

The Simon Keith Foundation is dedicated to providing financial support primarily to youths who have undergone a life-saving organ transplant who desire a return to an active and healthy lifestyle. In addition to helping people with their non-medical expenses, the Foundation strives to increase organ donor registration through public awareness campaignsFor additional information please go to

About The Save Our Souls Foundation

The Save Our Souls Foundation provides financial assistance to families of children for all non-medical expenses while their child is going through the major organ transplant process. Thanks to its annual fundraising efforts and the generous support of Life Legacy Members, national partners, and donors, families receive financial support for day-to-day expenses such as mortgage/rent, car payments, travel expenses, utilities, groceries and more while their child is going through the major organ transplant process.

The success of the Save Our Souls Foundation would not be possible without the generous support of Life Legacy Members including Jim & Sandi Treliving, AWIN Group of Dealerships, GAIN Group, Jim Pattison, TELUS, Paragon, The Slaight Family Foundation, The Suzanne and Walter Scott Foundation, Walter & Maria Schneider, Joan & Paul Waechter, Kyle MacDonald & John Franklin, James Wilson & Vivian Roy, The Anschutz Foundation, Argyros Family Foundation, and the Newton Glassman Charitable Foundation in Partnership with the Catalyst Capital Group.

The Foundation is also supported by National Partners WestJet, Aird & Berlis LLP, National Post, ALLVISION, and Schnitzer Steel, and Community Partners Boston Pizza, Oak Bay Beach Hotel, Tom Lee Music, Gib-San Pools, DeerFields Clinic, StayWell, RBC Dominion Securities, and The Hillyard Stephen Group. For those who wish to have a deeper involvement with the organization, there are a number of ways to contribute including the donation of Avion Rewards and Aeroplan miles, all of which will directly help families going through the organ transplant process.

The Foundation has recently joined the American Society of Transplantation (AST) Living Donor Circle of Excellence, a no-cost recognition program which celebrates companies that offer paid sick leaves to employees who become living donors.

The Foundation also promotes organ donor awareness and registration in both Canada and the United States. For more information, visit

Cam Tait’s February Feature

Whatever We Imagine

 “Whatever We Imagine” A song written and produced by David Foster, recorded by James Ingrim – 1983 It was Mr. Good’s Grade 6 classroom, with desks carefully and precisely situated in a U-shape so students could face each other rather than our backs, where my friend Robert sat directly on my left – the 10Read more


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All My Heart Can Hold Fri, 09 Feb 2024 22:22:36 +0000 “All My Heart Can Hold” written by David Foster Cam Tait – February 2024 I’m a hopeless romantic. No cure. I even have a few giggles with my romantic hijinx: I asked one girlfriend who was celebrating a birthday, Judy, to put on her favorite dress for a limousine ride…which elegantly pulled into a McDonald’sRead more

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“All My Heart Can Hold” written by David Foster
Cam Tait – February 2024

I’m a hopeless romantic. No cure. I even have a few giggles with my romantic hijinx: I asked one girlfriend who was celebrating a birthday, Judy, to put on her favorite dress for a limousine ride…which elegantly pulled into a McDonald’s drive-through as a joke before taking us to our ultimate destination at one of Edmonton’s most romantic restaurants.

Which makes February — Heart Month — more than special to me. It’s the cozy home of Valentine’s Day, and has a vital connection to, of course, our hearts. Moreover, it’s a time to get together with the souls we love – romantically inclined, or otherwise — to celebrate.

Considering a profoundly stylish piece for the year’s heartfelt month did not, in the beginning stages, require much imagination. The themes – young children, hearts, transplants, and gently reminding folks of the wonderful opportunity of signing donor cards – are obvious for as much discussion as possible. Yet, discerning an entertaining and informative essay to blend everything together seemed challenging. But then I let my fingers do the scrolling through the Save Our Souls Foundation web site and this made it both crystal clear and a cherished honour.

Meet Keziah: Two days after her October 2014 birthday, Keziah was diagnosed with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) — her heart’s left side was not pumping enough blood as she needed. From her Calgary home, she flew for her first open-heart surgery in Edmonton. And during the next four years, Keziah had two more corrective open-heart surgeries. Then, in 2019, Keziah’s chest was hurting. Results showed her heart functioning at only 10%. Back to Edmonton the family went. They were told Keziah was on the heart transplant list — and, on Sept. 12, a heart transplant changed the young girl’s life.

Meet Victoria-Jane: Cardiomyopathy. Most people need a dictionary, but Victoria-Jane and her family learned about the medical term fast: a heart disease that makes it difficult for the heart to pump blood. With the use of a ventilator, Victoria-Jane gave the gift of time — a year and a half – until she received her heart transplant … which was successful.

Meet Rosalie, or to those who love her Rosie: A February 2018 bundle of joy. Just a day after her birthday, Rosie was gray in colour. Almost navy blue. Constantly crying. Lethargic, too. The midwives who had helped deliver Rosie found her oxygen saturations were very low. Upon arriving at the hospital, the diagnosis for Rosie — Pulmonary Atresia with an Intact Ventricular Septum2 (PAVIS). That means she had a heart valve defect, not allowing adequate blood from Rosie’s heart to her lungs. There was, unfortunately, another issue. Rosie had a single coronary artery, a rare heart abnormality. On her fifth day, imaging revealed Rosie’s defects were too severe to be corrected by surgery. A life-saving heart transplant was needed.

After over 16 weeks of waiting – and Rosie being extremely sick – cardiologists found a heart for her.  Rosie’s gift of life began beating in her chest.

All three children and their families, and many more have been helped by the DFF with non-medical expenses such as travel, parking, gas money, and other costs. You can read about them here

The Save Our Souls Foundation and Simon Keith Foundation are joining forces this month to raise awareness on how signing donor cards change lives. Both David and Simon share the same hometown, Victoria, B.C. Simon needed two heart transplants which enabled him to become a professional soccer player — the first player in the world to play at the professional level.

Two Victoria natives coming together in February to help children and their families. Sounds like a perfect date … with loads of love in the air.

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A Silent Night for All Wed, 20 Dec 2023 23:54:26 +0000 ‘Twas several days before Christmas, when all through the Foundation, Folks were sharing goodwill — so proud of their reputation. Countless children asleep, now able to dream, All because the Save Our Souls Foundation was on their team. Just as staff were locking doors and spreading cheer, A man and woman with unbelievable talent did appear.Read more

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‘Twas several days before Christmas, when all through the Foundation,

Folks were sharing goodwill — so proud of their reputation.

Countless children asleep, now able to dream,

All because the Save Our Souls Foundation was on their team.

Just as staff were locking doors and spreading cheer,

A man and woman with unbelievable talent did appear.

The gentleman quickly assembled his piano in a flash,

While the lady followed fetched water for her glass.

David Foster, the founder off DFF played a favourite key.

The lady cleared her throat and was ready: it was Katharine McPhee.


The pair got serious and then quickly took to their craft,

A song which would mightily stifle any cool winter draft.

A tune describing the work of DFF: giving help when needed.

To families getting organ transplants – getting kids treated.

The DFF provides financial support to Moms and Dads,

To make sure all children celebrate their Grade 12 grads.

David flipped to a familiar sheet of music to read,

Katharine took her cue to sing the joyous creed.

And so, they began singing and playing a song that was right,

Wishing everyone Happy Holidays on this pious night.



 Picture Credit: Flytographer

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Honouring the Past, Creating the Future Sat, 11 Nov 2023 00:46:06 +0000 They are everywhere, aren’t they? As well they should be: those white boxes full of poppies to honour — more importantly, remember — the hundred of thousands of Canadians who fought to give you and me the “F” word Grandma and Grampa use over Sunday dinner with no hesitation: Freedom. It’s also a heartfelt thankRead more

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They are everywhere, aren’t they? As well they should be: those white boxes full of poppies to honour — more importantly, remember — the hundred of thousands of Canadians who fought to give you and me the “F” word Grandma and Grampa use over Sunday dinner with no hesitation: Freedom.

It’s also a heartfelt thank you to Canadian military members who are currently defending our country — perhaps, not on the same scale as both world wars, but still, nonetheless, serving. The very least we can do, as the sombre countdown to Remembrance Day comes closer by the second, is to buy a poppy.

But, if you are, hopefully, like me you want to do more to show your patriotism. Purchasing a poppy: a rich and sacred tradition to match the cooling November winds and snowstorms. As time marches on in our world, the need to create and support the Canadian military for generations to come is crucial. And then there’s the powerful story of Waurechen family which so beautifully illustrates my thesis, is colourfully knotted in a thread connecting to the Save Our Souls Foundation.

Meet Tom Waurechen. By his own admission, the Cambridge, Ont. man was sick, very sick, in the early 2000’s. Sugar diabetes — the cruel cursor to kidney dialysis. An answer came in 2003 when Tom received a telephone call, and he thoughtfully recognized it as bittersweet. Someone did lose a family member. But their farewell on earth turned into a legacy, still today. Tom had a new start. With that, he treasured raising his two children and served 21 years in the Canadian military.

The CTV story about Tom is one to celebrate. While Tom received his double organ transplant as a young man, the DFF helps with expenses young families incur when they are navigating through their child’s organ transplant. And that, too, opens the door to unlimited potential for the youngsters.

Money, sadly, cannot buy everything — especially organ transplants. Figures used by us here at DFF are somewhat repetitive. Absolutely. For they drive the oh-so-important communication that the need is real. And for some families, life and death. That’s why we keep sharing numbers with you: a Statistics Canada report this year says more than 4,400 people are waiting for an organ transplant. The aging population is one reason why the waiting list is where it is, and, sadly growing. It’s estimated that only 34 percent of Canadians are organ donors.

For me, the 11th month of the year has always been bittersweet. The theatre of war is horrific … yet, such sacrifices are needed so we navigate the future — always a sight of promised beauty in our collective mind’s eye. We never know the Canadians like Tom Waurechen who answer the call to proudly wear the maple leaf to defend and protect us. We need more people like them. Who’s to say a child who has an organ transplant and is assisted by the DFF cannot be a future member of the Canadian army? That only happens if an organ is, indeed, available. Buying a poppy and signing a donor card: a uniquely Canadian way to salute past war heroes.

And create new ones.

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Life Lessons To Live By Fri, 29 Sep 2023 22:45:36 +0000 As someone who has covered the charitable sector for 25 years — including the events, successes, issues, volunteers, and too many banquet chicken dinners my waistline cares to remember — I have, very quietly, questioned awareness over the course of days, weeks, months, and years. I’ve come to the realization that Awareness is key. HelpingRead more

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As someone who has covered the charitable sector for 25 years — including the events, successes, issues, volunteers, and too many banquet chicken dinners my waistline cares to remember — I have, very quietly, questioned awareness over the course of days, weeks, months, and years. I’ve come to the realization that Awareness is key.

Helping us to better understand the challenges faced by millions of people experiencing a plethora of illnesses, diseases, and disabilities is important for charities. And once we understand this further, when the ask comes for support, it turns out that soliciting is easier. I get that — absolutely. But … when the awareness campaign flips the calendar page over, the cause, sadly, doesn’t end, does it?

Take for example Living Donor Awareness Week, which started on September 10th and ended on September 16th. The stories on the Save Our Souls Foundation website share in-depth information about selfless generosity at — perhaps — the most profound level. Signing a donor card through no fault of its own, may be only seen as a gift we can only give when God’s angels call us to the next chapter of our being. That, in itself, is wonderful and gives us something to look forward to and extends our gifts, creating a new legacy, which hopefully, carries on for generations to come.

Through my experience as a storyteller, I have found there to be different ways to craft a tale. The old journalism creed of “there are two sides to every story” rings before me with absolute credibility and balance. Yet, it lays the groundwork to look even further than the obvious and to duly search for more voices, and more viewpoints to take our subject. In the case of the Save Our Souls Foundation, it is important that we lay out as much details as possible when it comes to organ donations. Think of new ways and new opportunities to share the grassroots of organ donation to evoke someone to, first, consider making an organ donation, and then, much more significantly, make a donation.

Furthermore, the Save Our Souls Foundation produces a rich and special avenue for strangers to become a personal part of a young child’s life for many years.. While they do not provide the organs, DFF provides financial support to families whose children are undergoing an organ transplant. Unfortunately, that does not start without an organ available,. Sadly, there are currently kids under the age of one that are waiting for a liver or a heart. There are kids aged one through 10 that are waiting for a kidney or a liver, and kids aged 11 to 17 are waiting for a liver and a heart.

Reviewing this more in-depth, it is something to consider. Of course, not every living donor wishes wish to be identified. But the pure joy that comes with the opportunity to help a young child who needs an organ live a life is undeniable. Full of dreams, of hope … of putting their own blueprint on not only their life, but on the world. And, wouldn’t it be extra special if you knew you have an on-going part of their journey? Now a personal disclaimer: this yarn would not have been written if Living Donation Week didn’t flip off the calendar.

Lesson learned.

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Circle of Excellence Wed, 04 Oct 2023 16:35:31 +0000 The Save Our Souls Foundation has partnered with the American Society of Transplantation to spread awareness about the AST Living Donor Circle of Excellence and the ongoing need for organ and tissue donor registrations across North America. To view the full press release, continue below. There are 107,000 people waiting for an organ transplant within theRead more

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The Save Our Souls Foundation has partnered with the American Society of Transplantation to spread awareness about the AST Living Donor Circle of Excellence and the ongoing need for organ and tissue donor registrations across North America. To view the full press release, continue below.

There are 107,000 people waiting for an organ transplant within the U.S. and Canada combined, and we are joining forces to raise awareness of the critical need for registered organ donors and encourage the support of a ground-breaking initiative that is reshaping the support of living transplant donors.

The AST Living Donor Circle of Excellence is a no-cost recognition program which celebrates companies that offer paid sick leaves to employees who become living donors. The financial hardships associated with living organ donations are one of the major discouragements, and this program makes living donations more accessible.

How can you help? There are multiple ways to support organ and tissue donations, including

  • Visit AST’s Living Donor Circle of Excellence at
  • Register to become an organ donor and share your wishes with your family,
  • Talk to your employer about becoming a member of the Circle of Excellence

The Save Our Souls Foundation joins forces with the American Society of Transplantation to promote the Circle of Excellence and the ongoing need for organ and tissue donor registrations across North America

October 4, 2023 (Toronto, ON). – With over 107,000 people waiting for an organ transplant within the U.S. and Canada combined, the Save Our Souls Foundation and the American Society of Transplantation (AST) are joining forces to raise awareness of the critical need for registered organ donors and encourage the support of a ground-breaking initiative that is reshaping the support of living transplant donors.

The AST Living Donor Circle of Excellence is a no-cost recognition program which celebrates companies that offer paid sick leaves to employees who become living donors. The financial hardships associated with living organ donations are one of the major discouragements, and this program makes living donations more accessible.

“Living donors are heroes amongst us: Their gift is lifesaving for patients needing a kidney or liver transplant and has a huge positive impact on society,” said John Gill, MD, American Society of Transplantation. “We are thrilled to partner with the Save Our Souls Foundation to raise awareness about living donations support through the Circle of Excellence.”

It may come as a surprise to many, but there are currently over 103,000 Americans waiting for a life-saving organ transplant. From Canada, roughly 90% of residents support organ donation, however only 32% are registered. These are just some of the shocking statistics that has led to these two top organ transplant awareness organizations coming together to start the conversation, but it will take as many people as possible to truly initiate a change for the better.

“We are proud to have helped families across Canada, however there is definitely more work to be done,” said Hon. Col. Michael Ravenhill, Chief Executive Officer, Save Our Souls Foundation. “By working with The American Society of Transplantation, this helps us reach a broader audience and unify our approach raising awareness of the need for new registered organ and tissue donors. Remember, there may come a time that you may be one of the lives that needs to be saved.”

How can you help? There are multiple ways to support organ and tissue donations, including 1) visit us at and AST’s Living Donor Circle of Excellence at to see how you can help, 2) register to become an organ donor and share your wishes with your family, 3) Talk to your employer about becoming a member of the Circle of Excellence, or 4) Follow @DavidFosterFoundation and @AST_Transplantation on Instagram and search for us on Facebook for the latest updates.

Founded by famed Canadian David Foster, The Save Our Souls Foundation is a national non-profit Canadian charitable organization dedicated to providing financial support for non-medical expenses to Canadian families with children in need of pediatric organ transplants. Over the past 37 years, the Foundation has assisted over 1,450 families with children in need of life-saving organ transplants.

Founded in 1982, the American Society of Transplantation (AST) is dedicated to advancing the field of transplantation and improving patient care by promoting research, education, advocacy, and organ donation. The society is the largest transplant organization in North America.

About The Save Our Souls Foundation

The Save Our Souls Foundation provides financial assistance to families of children for all non-medical expenses while their child is going through the major organ transplant process. Thanks to its annual fundraising efforts and the generous support of Life Legacy Members, national partners, and donors, families receive financial support for day-to-day expenses such as mortgage/rent, car payments, travel expenses, utilities, groceries and more while their child is going through the major organ transplant process.

The success of the Save Our Souls Foundation would not be possible without the generous support of Life Legacy Members including Jim & Sandi Treliving, AWIN Group of Dealerships, GAIN Group, Jim Pattison, TELUS, Paragon, The Slaight Family Foundation, The Suzanne and Walter Scott Foundation, Walter & Maria Schneider, Joan & Paul Waechter, Kyle MacDonald & John Franklin, James Wilson & Vivian Roy, The Anschutz Foundation, Argyros Family Foundation, and the Newton Glassman Charitable Foundation in Partnership with the Catalyst Capital Group.

The Foundation is also supported by National Partners WestJet, Aird & Berlis LLP, National Post, ALLVISION, and Schnitzer Steel, and Community Partners Boston Pizza, Oak Bay Beach Hotel, Tom Lee Music, Gib-San Pools, DeerFields Clinic, StayWell, RBC Dominion Securities, and The Hillyard Stephen Group. For those who wish to have a deeper involvement with the organization, there are a number of ways to contribute including the donation of Avion Rewards and Aeroplan miles, all of which will directly help families going through the organ transplant process.

The Foundation also promotes organ donor awareness and registration in both Canada and the United States. For more information, visit

About The American Society of Transplantation

Founded in 1982, the American Society of Transplantation (AST) is an organization of more than 4,000 professionals dedicated to advancing the field of transplantation and improving patient care by promoting research, education, advocacy, and organ donation. The society is the largest transplant organization in North America and is recognized as the premier society for transplantation. AST members are sought out as transplant experts and advocates. Other transplant organizations, policy makers, regulatory agencies, payors, academic institutions, and the general public look to the AST for guidance, research, and resources related to transplantation. For more information, visit

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Laver Cup Fri, 29 Sep 2023 20:33:54 +0000 The Laver Cup will partner with the Save Our Souls Foundation at the sixth edition of the competition in Vancouver, with all proceeds raised from the popular Open Practice Day at Rogers Arena on Thursday, September 21, 2023, going to the Canadian-based charity. Tennis fans will have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to witness some of the world’sRead more

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The Laver Cup will partner with the Save Our Souls Foundation at the sixth edition of the competition in Vancouver, with all proceeds raised from the popular Open Practice Day at Rogers Arena on Thursday, September 21, 2023, going to the Canadian-based charity.

Tennis fans will have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to witness some of the world’s best players fine-tune their games ahead of the competition which takes place from September 22-24 at Rogers Arena.

Casper RuudStefanos TsitsipasAndrey Rublev, Holger RuneHubert Hurkacz and Gael Monfils from Team Europe, along with Team World’s Taylor FritzFrances TiafoeFelix Auger-AliassimeTommy Paul, Francisco Cerundolo and Ben Shelton will be joined by their legendary captains Bjorn Borg and John McEnroe for their final preparations on the iconic Laver Cup black court.

The Laver Cup Open Practice Day will take place from 12-2pm. Team World will kick off the session, practicing from 12-1pm, followed by Team Europe from 1-2pm.

Featuring spectacular lighting, music and on-court interviews with players and captains, the entertaining session is an ideal way for families and kids to experience the Laver Cup first-hand. Doors open at 11am.

More than 2,000 kids participating in local tennis programs and from schools across Vancouver have been invited to attend the Laver Cup Open Practice Day free of charge as organizers aim to inspire Vancouver’s next generation of tennis players.

The Laver Cup is committed to supporting local initiatives impacting young people in each host city it visits, leaving behind a legacy through financial donations and raising awareness about important projects that impact the community.

With a focus on helping families in need, the Save Our Souls Foundation was a natural fit for the Laver Cup.

“Supporting and inspiring kids is a part of the Laver Cup mission,” said Laver Cup CEO, Steve Zacks.

“David is a member of the tennis family. His charity is focused on helping children and their families through challenging life situations, a cause that deeply resonates with the Laver Cup.”

Foster is a prolific musician, songwriter, composer, arranger, producer and recording artist. He has worked with a vast array of international artists such as Barbara Streisand, Michael Jackson, Madonna and fellow Canadians Celine Dion and Michael Bublé.

The Save Our Souls Foundation was established in British Columbia in 1986 to help families of children needing life-saving organ transplants and has since helped more than 1400 families across Canada with financial assistance for non-medical expenses, whether travel, transportation, food, mortgage payments, or other costs that could strain a family.

Families supported by the Foundation have been invited to attend the Laver Cup.

I’m delighted Laver Cup has chosen to make the Save Our Souls Foundation their charity of choice, said Foster.

“I’m a huge tennis fan and I’m dedicated to helping families whose children are in need of life-saving organ transplants. To be able to merge two of my passions like this is wonderful and I know together we will raise both awareness and funds to improve and save lives.”

The post Laver Cup appeared first on Save Our Souls Foundation.

Living Donation Week Mon, 11 Sep 2023 18:44:09 +0000 We are thrilled to be part of Living Donation Week 2023, a week dedicated to celebrating the extraordinary acts of kindness that transform lives. From September 10 to September 16th, we join with organizations, donors, recipients, and supporters to shine a spotlight on living donor transplants, a lifeline for hundreds of Canadians in need ofRead more

The post Living Donation Week appeared first on Save Our Souls Foundation.


We are thrilled to be part of Living Donation Week 2023, a week dedicated to celebrating the extraordinary acts of kindness that transform lives. From September 10 to September 16th, we join with organizations, donors, recipients, and supporters to shine a spotlight on living donor transplants, a lifeline for hundreds of Canadians in need of kidney or liver transplants.

Why Living Donation Matters Living donor transplants represent the epitome of selflessness and compassion. They provide a second chance at life for those facing the daunting challenge of organ failure. The Save Our Souls Foundation has been privileged to support numerous families on their journey to receiving the incredible gift of a living donor transplant. These stories not only touch our hearts but also highlight the incredible impact one person’s decision can have on another’s life.

Our Stories, Our Inspiration Throughout this week, we will be sharing inspiring stories of living donor transplants. These stories are a testament to the resilience of individuals and families who have faced the trials of organ failure and emerged stronger with the help of living donors. They remind us of the incredible power of human compassion and the potential for positive change when we unite to make a difference.

Get Involved Living Donation Week is a time for unity and action. Join us in celebrating this week by spreading awareness about the importance of living donation. You can get involved by sharing our stories, engaging with our content, and using the hashtag #LDW2023 to contribute to the conversation. Together, we can inspire more people to consider the incredible act of living organ donation.

Learn More To learn more about Living Donation Week 2023 and find resources on how you can make a difference, click here!

Living Donation Transplant Stories


jack liver transplant



The post Living Donation Week appeared first on Save Our Souls Foundation.
