With those few devastating words, your life and the lives of your family are changed forever. As a parent, you may have to leave your home and your job, your world becomes a series of medical appointments and tests, a time of huge anxiety and stress. Caring for your child should be your only priority, not worrying about losing your home or paying your bills.
The Save Our Souls Foundation helps ease the burden for these families as their children bravely fight for their lives. We provide support for the non-medical expenses for families of children undergoing transplants, so these families can focus on what really matters – looking after their child. In the past 28 years, our foundation has provided millions of dollars in direct support to close to 1,000 families.
However, this is not something we can do alone and in these tough economic times your assistance is more important than ever. We need your support to ensure these families continue to get the help they need in their time of crisis.
There are many ways you can help – you can donate funds, which will be used to help our families. You can also help in a very meaningful way – by becoming a registered organ donor – someday, you may save a life.